Saturday, 15 October 2011

The Distributed Capital - Virtual Political Sphere

Virtual Political Sphere

I am considering the proposition of a virtual political sphere, which would become a new focus of Australian politics that would;
  • provide the general public with a greater influence on decisions made in parliament;
  • reduce the influence of powerful corporate and vocal self-serving interest groups;
  • provide an easy-access source of information that is not dictated by levels of 'newsworthiness' or ratings and is free of political/cultural/religious bias; and
  • encourages individual choice that is free of any form of misleading or manipulation by external interests.
As technology progresses, a virtual inter-connection is growing more prominent in society. For this reason, Australians should no longer be forced to rely on a select few individuals running the nation in a central location that is geographically separated from most of the country. Likewise, independent profit-based media corporations and bias groups/individuals/sources should not be the general publics only source of political information.

A Step Towards Direct Democracy

A virtual political sphere will enable greater participation in politics by the public, through the implementation of virtual strategies similar to those developed in the first project. This is to help ensure a safeguarding of the political process from any form of corruption, and help to increase accountability on elected representatives.

Other Possibilities of a more Distributed Political System
  • State and Territory governments and councils abolished, saving the nation up to $50 billion a year (Abolish State Government, 2011);
  • States and councils replaced by "closer to the people" regional governments, offering a better representation of local issues unique to certain areas;
  • Virtual political sphere access centres strategically placed around the country, based on the regional government areas, with the function of expanding the political process over a wider area;
  • Parliament House building in Canberra still the heart and soul of legislative power, however far more open to the public without the need of commercial media.


Abolish State Government. (2011). "Home". Abolish State Government. Retrieved October 15, 2011 from

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